Lone's personal page

Begin log...

Overall strange, especially what with me hardly knowing what I am doing._

What could be stored within the confines of this webpage, which in its current form mimics the appearance of a computer terminal. Vaguely inspired by the lands of Qud, developed by a rather unexperienced individual. Of course thon is not a brute smashing keys on the computer, hoping that whatever comes out roughly resembles a website. No, thon is more along the lines of a thoughtful, well mannered brute. First studying the code, researching, and experimenting with it... hoping that whatever comes out roughly resembles a website._

I used to have a personal one you know? A gremlin fond of green stood upon it, smiling deviously all the while holding a firearm, the adorable critter. Of course one might ask, why have you not returned to this pasture? Why do you leave it empty and uncultivated? Well its strange, I do feel that perhaps I may return to it if I have the drive. However, a lovely individual beckoned me to undertake this journey together. Splitting a field, allowing both of us to work it and aid each other, perhaps even sharing each others space. So at the current moment, there is no reason for me to return to my old pasture. This one is serviceable enough._

So then, who made this? Who is this Lone character? Well... why do you care? You being some random internet traveller stumbled upon this place and you want answers? Preposterous! Of course, if you see an about page anywhere, please go there. If not, then I have not added one, so in that case be patient. But if you for some reason are actually curious as to who I am, the person called Lone that uses thon/thons, not telling you thons full pronouns for the sake of... who knows honestly. You wish to know? Re-read the webpage then.//-

The layout I used as a base: https://codepen.io/sadness97/pen/mdXjExq?editors=1100